Join Us

To Join HCCHS for the first time:

Fill out Form #1 below and click “submit”.

Use Form #2 to pay $5.00 annual dues. Thank you.

Membership Renewal:

Fill out Form #1, but you only need to enter your name, address and phone number unless your other information has changed.

Use Form #2 to pay $5.00 annual dues. Thank you.

Blessings to you and your family. Sincerely, HCCHS

Note Re: Dues — The largest expenses of HCCHS each year are: 1) Website administration; 2) Graduation; 3) Dances - usually Christmas and sometimes Spring. Donations also help support incidental expenses when they arise.


Fill in your information below for the HCCHS directory and click "submit". Please enter all your information on this form, even if you have been in the directory before.


To pay $5 for annual dues, click “Add to Cart” (below), then go to "cart" in the top right corner of site and check out.

Pay $5 Annual Dues to HCCHS