
HCCHS firmly believes that the best way to fulfill this command  (Deut 6:4-8) is through home education, allowing parents the best possible environment to disciple their children through spiritual, moral, and academic training that is grounded in Scripture.

Once a family makes the important decision to home school, HCCHS believes it is the group’s privilege and duty to equip and encourage the family to continue, mature and succeed in their home schooling journey.

HCCHS endeavors to weave a tapestry of support that covers the needs of both the beginning and the veteran home schooling family. Our heart’s desire is to cultivate lasting relationships and long-term commitment to Christian home education in the lives of HCCHS member families.


Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and that it is the final and supreme authority of all truth. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ, by offering Himself on the cross, atoned for man’s sin, and that we may now enter into the family of God on the basis of His shed blood. We believe in the bodily resurrection and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe that all who receive, by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.


Membership in HCCHS can be obtained by registering on the Membership Page. Benefits include: 

  • members receive email announcements

  • members are listed on and receive the HCCHS directory

  • members have access to the HCCHS facebook group page

  • members may plan or attend support meetings

  • members may participate in classes and co-ops with other home schooling families

  • members can participate in graduation


The group is led by a board, though all members are welcome to provide input at any time and are welcome to attend board meetings.  Any members interested in serving on the board are encouraged to contact the board president.

President: John and Brittany White
[Keeps the focus on Christ, oversees all final board decisions]

Support: Vacant
[Develops the supportive network within the membership}

Treasurer:  Vacant
[Oversees membership dues, income and other financial matters]

Communication: John and Jennifer Cockman
[Initiates all email notices, and publishes HCCHS website]

Membership Services:  Vacant
[Contact for new inquiries to the group; oversees annual directory, and member data base]

Advocacy: Vacant
[Legislative Watch]

What We Do Not Do

What HCCHS does not do in order to fulfill its Vision: We do not contact the NC Department of Non-Public Education in order to establish home-schools on an individual or group basis. We do not provide annual standardized testing for the group. There may be individuals, however, who organize testing for a limited number of students. We do not enroll HCCHS members in any other support groups, including North Carolinians for Home Educations (NCHE) or Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), though we encourage individual families to join on their own. We do not advocate or sell any particular curriculum or educational method, preferring to let our members pursue materials as individual needs dictate.


The board tries to be sensitive to the needs of everyone and realizes that there are a few families whose budget cannot manage anything extra. If your heart is to educate your children at home, and you want to be an active part of our group but your finances are holding you back, or if you know someone who fits this description, please contact Membership Services regarding a scholarship. This will be held in the strictest confidence. The treasury also gladly accepts donations of all sizes toward the scholarship fund.


The directory is published annually as an informational source for the HCCHS membership. The listing of personal family information is to be kept confidential. Non-HCCHS individuals, companies, or agencies should never be given access to our directory. HCCHS members should never use the database of names and addresses for their personal or business gain. The Directory is complied in August and September for publication and distribution in September/October.