7:00 PM19:00

The Energize! Conference

Steve and Teri Maxwell Family

Come and meet like minded families from your area.

Bring the whole family, and be energized!

We are a family that is passionate about giving other families a vision to follow Jesus and practical tools to strengthen their relationships. Come join us in this journey!
— The Maxwells

Register Here!

No Conference Fee

There is no fee, but love offering boxes will be on the Maxwells' tables to help with their traveling expenses.


5:00pm (Bonus Session)

Moms/Daughters - Schedule Triage, Round Table Discussion

Dads/Sons - Making the Best Work: Employed or Self-Employed, Round Table Discussion

Young People - So You'd Like to Write, Round Table Discussion with Sarah


Moms/Daughters - How to Have an Awesome Day

Dads/Sons - Supersonic Leadership: Is Everyone Strapped in?


Today Children -- Tomorrow Leaders


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7:00 PM19:00

The BIG Meeting

We will meet in the main auditorium for worship, encouragement, and a display of local talent. Then we will have a Homeschool Opportunities Fair, where you can see what will be going on for the 2014-15 academic year.

If you would like to present music, recitation, or any other talent in the program, please send your request to

If you would like to reserve a table at the Opportunities Fair,
please send your request to

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