Steve and Teri Maxwell Family
Come and meet like minded families from your area.
Bring the whole family, and be energized!
“We are a family that is passionate about giving other families a vision to follow Jesus and practical tools to strengthen their relationships. Come join us in this journey!”
Register Here!
No Conference Fee
There is no fee, but love offering boxes will be on the Maxwells' tables to help with their traveling expenses.
5:00pm (Bonus Session)
Moms/Daughters - Schedule Triage, Round Table Discussion
Dads/Sons - Making the Best Work: Employed or Self-Employed, Round Table Discussion
Young People - So You'd Like to Write, Round Table Discussion with Sarah
Moms/Daughters - How to Have an Awesome Day
Dads/Sons - Supersonic Leadership: Is Everyone Strapped in?
Today Children -- Tomorrow Leaders